We have a different feel coming through this month I think. With Chiron now into a new gate our focus can turn to ensuring we are following our inner knowing to become worthy of being followed.
Pluto (soul mission) echoes the theme all month sitting in 61.3 ... "If you rely on another for your peace of mind, your balance is lost. Be neither flattered nor dismayed at fluctuations in another's affections. By maintaining inner independence you successfully negotiate the path." BBW.
We also have Uranus well established in 27, the gate of nourishment (in all its forms), another call to look carefully at how we nurture ourselves. And, Neptune is in 22.2 for the whole of May ... "Concern yourself not with the form things take but with their content. Cut through false appearances to determine whether your own strength or that of another is genuine or contrived." BBW.
Saturn is nearly conjunct the South Node for the month. This is a new South Node position; the nodes shifted on 25th April. We are now moving away from (south node) the energy of 54, the upgrade (Marrying Maiden) and toward (north node) gradual progress (53). But, Saturn will be there as a reminder of where we have come from, and perhaps who we have been with, and this may prove a stumbling block to our gradual progress, if we have forged alliances with those that do not have our best interests at heart. And, equally if we have used others to further our aims with little thought to the price they may have to pay.
The north node in 53 should herald a period when we can start to move forward, notwithstanding the multiple planets in retrograde of course! 53 counsels us to pay attention to our foundations, just as the tree needs a good network of roots before it grows too tall, so we too need to avoid pushing ahead too quickly only to be blown over by the first windy day. We will have help for the first few days with Pluto and the Sun working to provide the channel of the Thinker (24-61), so no excuses ... this month is marked with individual channel energy so plenty of support for Chiron's mission.
We start the month with another Sabbat, this time Beltane, or May Day. A time of fertility and of Spring energy moving us into early Summer. Traditionally it was the time of the animals being moved to summer pastures and is marked by fire ceremonies to ward off evil spirits as the flocks head back up into the mountains. It's also a time of the renewal of vows and the reaffirmation of love 😍. With Mars and Venus either end of the control of resources channel be mindful of compromise!
The Moon will be new on the 4th at 23:48 BST in 2.2 "Being Gifted: Natural access to an intelligence that often defies logical explanation. You access an inner sense of knowing beyond the scope of any accumulated knowledge." Chetan
And full on the 18th 14.4 at 22:13 BST and echoes much of what I've noted above ... "Do not indulge in looking at those around you and trying to match them tit for tat. You elevate yourself by disengaging and holding firmly to what is quiet and correct and good." BBW
This month we have two channels created by the Sun and Earth positions so for a week a piece we all have access to 23-43 (channel of Structuring ... or the 'freak to genius' ...) and 20-34 (channel of Charisma). Both energies of the individual and if you can catch the flow a great way to bring forward your genius and get things moving.
And so to the weeklies ...
1st - 3rd - Sun busy rationalising and the Earth being wary of who is around. Mercury might spring a communication surprise/shock on the 1st before moving to improve everything! Venus and Mars could be working nicely distributing the resources or playing tug of war, you have been warned.
4th - 9th - The Sun and Earth are now working the first two gates of the I Ching, the Earth feeling Heavenly in 1 and the Sun receptive in 2, this could be a week to make progress with something new as Mercury will arrive in gate 3, beginnings, and we have the New Moon here too, see above - don't push, let something emerge.
10th - 15th - here we have the first of the two channels of the month, the Sun in 23 and the Earth in 43. 23 is splitting apart, so be aware some things may disintegrate but the Earth will be ready to ground you with insights, so all is never lost ... it's not called the freak to genius for nothing, especially as Mercury will be bringing a rationalising energy 😏
16th - 20th - now for a week of Union and Potential with the Full Moon as well. Jupiter shifts to 26 on the 15th and brings his expansive energy to the gate of the Trickster ... be aware for the con artist, but also the excellent sales person who can meet your needs, two sides of the same energy coin ... and Mercury is now bringing the splitting apart energy so communication could be on the blink for a few days. This week Mars is moving through the gate of Modesty, sometimes called Extremes, so watch where his fiery energy may appear.
On 18th the full moon day Mars will be in 15.4 "Do not make a show of modesty. Sincerity entails doing what is needed, without regard for public opinion, then quietly stepping back." BBW
21st - 26th - Our second week of individual channel energy, Charisma with the Sun in 20, the gate of the NOW and the Earth in 34, gate of Power. This is the archetype of the manifesting generator harnessing the life force energy in the moment, buckle up tight! Mercury is conjunct the sun for a few days which could lead to some very frank discussions! Tap into Venus if you need to step back and rationalise somewhat.
23rd - Mercury and Sun in 20.3 "Being Objective: Developing an ability to watch thoughts and actions impassively. Honouring your 'witnessing consciousness' you'll find assists you to glide through your life." Chetan
27th - 31st - for the last few days we have the Sun feeling enthusiastic and the Earth very focused ... so focused enthusiasm, sounds good to me! Especially with Mercury feeling the adventure just watch he doesn't take over later in the week when he heads to the gate of the Queen where he'll find Mars too!
"Proper enthusiasm opens every door" BBW 16th hexagram
And so to the Runes ... the half months are as follows ... April 29 - May 14 Laguz, this is a water rune associated with emotional flow, intuitive knowing. And May 14 - 29 we have Inguz ... the seed, the magic bean, all possibilities and potential and linked to the God Freyr.
And it is Raidho ... this Rune is about the journey, life's journey, and sometimes an actual journey. It's about the rhythm of moving and seems wholly appropriate for a month where we are now moving towards gradual progress. Bear in mind the journey may not always take you where you imagine, or where you thought you were heading, what is important is the process, not so much the destination.
See you again later in May
This is where I post the upcoming monthly planetary Human Design transits including a sprinkling of Rune wisdom too! Why Bubbling Brook? Well this is the meaning of my Norse name Kelda. This blog is currently a work in progress and at some point will transfer to a new website, so please watch this space. If you are viewing this on a mobile please take the time to also view the desktop version (see the bottom of the page) so you can read more information about readings etc.
April's Half-Months
An interesting aside ... I forgot to list the two half month Runes for April ... March 30 - April 14 was Ehwaz, I really picked up this energy without realising, this is all about momentum, horse-power and unspoken partnerships. April 14 - 29 is currently Mannaz ... this is all about tribe, finding your niche but also about tuning the balance between what is within and what is without.
Chiron moves to 17 on 28th
Chiron and Venus are pretty much conjunct just now as Chiron moves from 25 into a new human design position, 17, ready for a couple of years working through this new energy.
From the 28th April until 21st September we have our first pass of the Wounded Healer in a position known variously as Following, According To and Opinions ...
This is an ajna (mind) gate in Human Design-speak and connects to the throat through the 62 giving the channel of Opinions/The organiser. So, for the next couple of years, whenever we have something moving through 62, we may well be aware of this channel with Chiron sitting at the other end. We have in fact just had a week or so with the channel active through the North Node with both Mercury then Venus, see the post below.
So what does the I Ching have to tell us about the 17th hexagram. BBW sums it up thus "Do not argue with what is; simply follow the progress of truth." I have my natal Saturn at this position, in line 3, "Sometimes following the good requires that we forego a pleasure of the ego When some part of your self-image would separate you from truth, let it fall away." BBW.
This is certainly an energy I'm very familiar with and as it happens my Jupiter position is in 62, so I have consistent access to the Organiser channel in my own HD. It's this energy that allows me to draw together many strands of information and deliver them in bite-sized pieces ... although sometimes another aspect of my chart means they aren't quite so bite-sized 😂 ... but I do try and keep my first line in check ... and if any of this intrigues you and you are wondering what your wiring may 'look' like, I do readings, just send me a message.
The essence of 17 is that in order to lead one must first perfect the art of following, and as with all things in the I Ching that is essentially following our Inner Truth and the Sage. Through following our inner truth we walk a path that others feel as authentic and will be happy to fall in step with.
Alfred Huang gives us a deeper look at the origins of this archetype. 17 contains the four virtues and is considered a very auspicious gua (hexagram) ... he cites an ancient story of a woman consulting a Master of the I Ching ... 17 was drawn and she was told that all was favourable to be married and follow her husband. However, she stated that for her the time was not yet here as she did not yet possess these four great virtues. Here Huang explains how this lady exemplifies the way in which the energies of the I Ching should be used. He narrates the story of King Wu in his process to overthrow the Tyrant of Shang ... he called several gatherings before he felt he had a broad enough consensus to move forward and be successful. King Wen saw that when people come together, and are ready to follow, that is when success ensues.
So we now have a period of time when Chiron will bring through this energy. He of course is the archetype of the wounded healer ... he shows us where we need to heal in order to live the energy positively for others to follow suit, and with 17 we are talking about healing our ability to be true to ourselves and our inner truth in order to be worthy of following.
Seems a very timely energy when we look at world politics that's for sure. And don't forget as with all celestial bodies the Centaur will retrograde back and forth so will work with 17 but also with 25 for a while yet, and 25 is all about our innocence.
Be Alert this week!
This week I noted as a potentially tricky one ... looking more closely we have a few interesting aspects in play.
The Sun is conjunct with Uranus and may bring a deep desire to break free from tradition, perhaps in shocking ways. They are in Taurus which is all things stable, earthy and relationships so an interesting mix-up.
We also have the channel of opinions (17-62) in play today with Mercury and the North Node and again from tomorrow with Venus and the North Node and then on 26th and 27th we have the 45-21 channel playing through Mercury and Mars and this one is all about the control of resources!
17-62 gives everyone a voice connecting the mind with the throat, especially as it is Mercury of course, he of communications. Just be wary of what you are hearing, or feeling inclined to share, especially as we have the Sun with Uranus ... it could spell some very volatile exchanges and things said that will be hard to 'un-hear'. And this goes double for Friday and Saturday when you add another throat (and will power) activation with the 45-21 wrangling over who controls what, who can have what.
This is the Rune that steps forward for this potentially turbulent week ... Gebo, this is about gift-giving, partnerships and agreements. In the ancient Norse tradition gift-giving and exchanges were central to the fabric of society and held with high regard.
In our modern world we can understand this energy as being about promises, about agreements and bonds made. So, it's about giving and receiving and the balance therein.
Given the celestial weather we could perhaps intuit for this week it will be about the give and take that we are willing to accept which is very pertinent to that energy of the allocation of resources. The challenge may be about giving and receiving freely.
The Sun is conjunct with Uranus and may bring a deep desire to break free from tradition, perhaps in shocking ways. They are in Taurus which is all things stable, earthy and relationships so an interesting mix-up.
We also have the channel of opinions (17-62) in play today with Mercury and the North Node and again from tomorrow with Venus and the North Node and then on 26th and 27th we have the 45-21 channel playing through Mercury and Mars and this one is all about the control of resources!
17-62 gives everyone a voice connecting the mind with the throat, especially as it is Mercury of course, he of communications. Just be wary of what you are hearing, or feeling inclined to share, especially as we have the Sun with Uranus ... it could spell some very volatile exchanges and things said that will be hard to 'un-hear'. And this goes double for Friday and Saturday when you add another throat (and will power) activation with the 45-21 wrangling over who controls what, who can have what.

In our modern world we can understand this energy as being about promises, about agreements and bonds made. So, it's about giving and receiving and the balance therein.
Given the celestial weather we could perhaps intuit for this week it will be about the give and take that we are willing to accept which is very pertinent to that energy of the allocation of resources. The challenge may be about giving and receiving freely.
27 - 50 In play!
With Correction ... it is of course the Earth in 50, not the Sun, that is sitting in 3 (difficulty at the beginning ... LOL ... just as I had with this post ... I was just planting seeds and thinking about 3rd hexagram ... as one does, and it's ideograph which is a seed pushing out shoots and roots ... it is my Sun of course ... and I thought ... ah ... doh ... it's the Earth in 50, not the Sun)!!!
From today until Sunday we have a channel defined for everyone. The 27 - 50 with Uranus and Earth (not the Sun!). This one is part of the tribal circuitry and sometimes thought of as the yin side, or the mothering energy.
It's known as the Channel of Preservation and is a defence channel connecting the immediacy of the spleen with the sacral energy, which means the whole planet will, for these few days, have access to being generators.
This is where care-giving lives, nurturing the tribe both literally in terms of providing nourishment (27th hexagram is 'the mouth') and more generally in terms of ensuring the tribe/community is running through fairness and shared values (50). Given we have Uranus with his shocking awakening energy and the Earth (not the Sun) involved there's the potential for our sense of grounding (not the spot light) to be around family and community affairs especially with a theme of nurture and support ... interesting timing as many will be gathering together for the Easter break.
The Rune that stepped forward for these few days is ...
Berkana ... associated with the birch and birch goddess, it's a feminine energy and perfect for this channel ... this is about renewal, the awakening from winter, re-birthing, it has a midwifery energy, a time to move forward leaving behind the outgrown.
Walking around my favourite woodlands the last few days and there's plenty of evidence of this Berkana energy in the verdant green growth sprouting ... and we have a royal baby likely to make their appearance in the next week or so (along with 1,000s of others, of course)!
From today until Sunday we have a channel defined for everyone. The 27 - 50 with Uranus and Earth (not the Sun!). This one is part of the tribal circuitry and sometimes thought of as the yin side, or the mothering energy.
It's known as the Channel of Preservation and is a defence channel connecting the immediacy of the spleen with the sacral energy, which means the whole planet will, for these few days, have access to being generators.
This is where care-giving lives, nurturing the tribe both literally in terms of providing nourishment (27th hexagram is 'the mouth') and more generally in terms of ensuring the tribe/community is running through fairness and shared values (50). Given we have Uranus with his shocking awakening energy and the Earth (not the Sun) involved there's the potential for our sense of grounding (not the spot light) to be around family and community affairs especially with a theme of nurture and support ... interesting timing as many will be gathering together for the Easter break.
The Rune that stepped forward for these few days is ...
Berkana ... associated with the birch and birch goddess, it's a feminine energy and perfect for this channel ... this is about renewal, the awakening from winter, re-birthing, it has a midwifery energy, a time to move forward leaving behind the outgrown.
Walking around my favourite woodlands the last few days and there's plenty of evidence of this Berkana energy in the verdant green growth sprouting ... and we have a royal baby likely to make their appearance in the next week or so (along with 1,000s of others, of course)!
For the next 12 hours or so
I just noticed we have the moon in 12 at the moment so making a channel with Venus in 22 ... be aware of the potential for an emotional roller-coaster for the rest of the day.
New Moon Update
For the next few days until the 8th the Earth and Mars positions give us all access to the channel of Involuntary Impulses.
Chetan has this to say ... "It is an intuition which penetrates most auras, piercing social smokescreens, hidden agendas, insincerity and risky pursuits ... there is no pulling the wool over the eyes - and ears - of the 20-57. You can also appear anxious, worried about how the future will turn out. Your sense of survival needs to know that you and loved ones are going to be secure and safe. This is what is really motivating your constant reappraising of the world and your role in it. BUT if you keep your feet on the ground and a sensible restraint on your intuitive gift, your future will always be bright." Chetan Parkyn's Human Design.
Mars, with his warlike, masculine, outgoing energy is in 20 the gate of NOW, and the Earth, our stability and groundedness and the feminine in 57, the most intuitive energy in the chart. And this with a New Moon in the gate of shock urging us to see the positive benefits shocking change can bring.
Wunjo stepped forward for this post ... this is the Rune of joy, the kind where we feel the pleasure and reward of a task completed, a pause to rest before moving on with the challenges. It challenges us to feel joy ... when you pair this message with the New Moon position I sense the Runes are urging us to see the positive and grasp the change.
I forgot to mention the Runic half-months in my April round up, currently we are with Ehwaz - this Rune is about the meeting of allies till the 14th when we move to Mannaz until the 29th - finding your tribe. I really can't think of two more appropriate energies to call in at this time.
Chetan has this to say ... "It is an intuition which penetrates most auras, piercing social smokescreens, hidden agendas, insincerity and risky pursuits ... there is no pulling the wool over the eyes - and ears - of the 20-57. You can also appear anxious, worried about how the future will turn out. Your sense of survival needs to know that you and loved ones are going to be secure and safe. This is what is really motivating your constant reappraising of the world and your role in it. BUT if you keep your feet on the ground and a sensible restraint on your intuitive gift, your future will always be bright." Chetan Parkyn's Human Design.
Mars, with his warlike, masculine, outgoing energy is in 20 the gate of NOW, and the Earth, our stability and groundedness and the feminine in 57, the most intuitive energy in the chart. And this with a New Moon in the gate of shock urging us to see the positive benefits shocking change can bring.
Wunjo stepped forward for this post ... this is the Rune of joy, the kind where we feel the pleasure and reward of a task completed, a pause to rest before moving on with the challenges. It challenges us to feel joy ... when you pair this message with the New Moon position I sense the Runes are urging us to see the positive and grasp the change.
I forgot to mention the Runic half-months in my April round up, currently we are with Ehwaz - this Rune is about the meeting of allies till the 14th when we move to Mannaz until the 29th - finding your tribe. I really can't think of two more appropriate energies to call in at this time.
April - Innocently Holding Your Space
OK, picking up from my brief of a few days back.
April ... what struck me as I wrote out the planetary positions was that Jupiter is stationary in gate 11 line 2, all month ... he's currently slowing to station retrograde on the 11th. Gate 11 is that of peace and harmony (also ideas) and contains the astrological position of the Galactic Centre at line 5.
Huang chooses the name 'Advance' for this 11th hexagram and line two is noted as the host, quite unusual within hexagrams (it's also a yang line at a yin position) ... he says "Advancing with watchful attention and stratagems is the true message of this line".
And Chetan chooses these words "Being Independent: Peacefulness is protected through your alertness. Tolerance, resolution and vision are required to maintain peace and foster your creative ideas."
I also see a number of activations to gate 25 by various planets; Chiron, Vesta, Freya, Mercury and Venus this month so we are really being reminded to tune into our innocence - our inner knowing. On 28th Chiron shifts to 17 so there will be a fresh feel for where to focus our attention with his healing energy ... 17 is about following and opinions, I'll look at this gate more next month as 17 will then be the focus for Chiron for a year or two, along with another pass of 25 toward the end of this year (see February's post for lots of date details regarding Chiron's movements).
Saturn is another very stationary body this month spending the entire time in 54 line 6 as he stations to retrograde on the 30th. This is of course a gate that has received a great deal of attention in the last few years with Pluto only recently vacating it.
54.6 "Being Politically Correct: Watchful of your purpose and sincerity. For Saturn at this position - Being honest in your motives you stick to respectfully advantageous relationships." Chetan.
The Nodes shift later this month as well coinciding with Pluto stationing retrograde on 25th. So our new nodal energies will be moving from our upgrades (where we have Saturn of course already reviewing Pluto's work) toward gradual progress (hang out the bunting ... although with the retrograde action going on for the next few months it may be harder work that you might hope).
And one final noticing ... Isis which is sometimes thought of as the missing piece will be in 7 line 4 all month and this really couldn't be more appropriate in the times we find ourselves (within the UK in particular) ... Chetan has this for its position, and bear in mind we are talking about the missing piece ... Disengaging: Leadership in the highest integrity knows when and how to withdraw. You are either realistic or not about how your leadership can serve others best.
Lunar activity - New Moon in 51.1 on 5th at 08:53 GMT and Full Moon in 50.3 on 19th (Good Friday) at 11:14 GMT.
Easter Day is 21st this year, almost as late as it can be (apparently that is the 25th), and sits right on top of notable birthdays ... The Queen's and my own 😊, we are both 5/1s, Her Majesty a Projector me a Generator!
So the weeklies ...
2nd - 4th the last few days of the Sun in 21 (control, biting through) and the Earth in 48 (the Well, details), Mercury is now moving through 22 and Grace as he slowly picks up speed.
5th - 10th sees the Sun move to 51, the shock and awe gate, and the Earth will be in 57, the most intuitive of the gates, so buckle up would be my advice as we have the New Moon in that shocking 51 line 1;
Chetan says "Arousing: Growing through disruptions of all kinds. Dramatic change can be alarming until you accept all the transformations it brings."
I don't make this up you know ... just wish Parliament was tuned in ... Venus, all things relationships will be having doubts for this period and Mars is still in the gate of the NOW potentially being very forthright. And don't forget whilst we have the Sun in 51 we have the channel 25-51 in play with Chiron, this is the awakening energy, the channel of the Shaman. Powerful if you can harness it.
11th - 16th the Sun settles into 42, all things steadily growing and the Earth is opposite in 32 which is the energy of persevering so this looks like a good week to move ahead. Jupiter does retrograde here but has been slowing for quite some time and Uranus makes the move to 27 on 14th, the gate of nurturing ... I think this will herald some time where we all need to look to our own needs, what nourishes us, and those that don't pause to work it out may well be given rude awakenings ... Uranus is the shock and awe planet.
42.1 (Sun on 11th) Accomplishing: Great deeds are possible. You align with an inner confidence and certainty that grows in all areas of life. Chetan.
17th - 21st with the Sun in 3, difficulty at the beginning, and the Earth in 50, values. Mercury will be conjunct Chiron this week so perhaps some messages for our innocence may be at play in the early part and then Venus cosies up to Chiron for the second half of the week ... a chance for healing relationships perhaps. Now Mars makes it to gate 35, the gate of adventure, his position on the most notable day of the year, 21st 😂, might well chime nicely with Venus and Chiron's positions ... Chetan has this for 35 line 3
Combining: Sharing experience with others. Evolution comes when you fully experience life in the company and trust of others.
And don't forget this is Easter Day ... sounds very appropriate to me!
And of course the Full Moon, 19th, nearly missed that ... 50 line 3
"The Superior person is always recognised in due time. If you do not have the influence you would like, consider whether you may be blocked by some assertion of your ego." BBW
22nd - 27th having shared you can now nurture with the Sun in 27 and conjunct of course with Uranus and the Earth in 28, the gate of persistence/struggle. This feels like a tricky week to be honest. Mercury is perhaps going to be somewhat opinionated and then want control meanwhile Venus emerges from innocence and becomes opinionated and Mars moves into the gate of the Queen wanting to direct all the resources.
I think the Earth's position on 22nd gives the best advice this week ... 28 line 1 "Great care is required when one undertakes great projects. Lay your foundations with caution and proceed step by step." BBW
Pluto retrogrades this week as well in that inner truth gate, 61.3 on 25th just as the Nodes shift to their new gates 53/54 (that means the South Node will be conjunct Saturn - some lessons on where you've been, or rather given it's 54, who you've been with!).
28th and into early May we have the Sun rationalising everything whilst the Earth is adept at really recognising what's on offer. Saturn stations to retrograde on the last day of the month setting us up for reviewing the whole of April during May ... oh what deep joy!
And now for my most favourite bit ... to ask the Runes ... brb!
Soooo we have Thurisaz ... the literal meaning is 'giants'. It looks like a thorn on a rose stem and can herald thorny issues and giants to be encountered. But, it is also about the tools required and is associated with Thor's hammer Mjolner and shows us that we have the power to face whatever is coming our way. The caution here can be to be very cognisant of how one wields one's power, to do so with balance and compassion. This personal power is that contained in Kundalini and as such is a reminder of its volatility. Interestingly it is also spoken of in terms of Thor of his being that fine line between a vague consciousness and the slamming realisation of what must happen next ... which echoes somewhat my choice of label for this month, and very much the position of Jupiter ... holding your space but with innocence and mindfulness lest events overtake you ... or ... you over-react and destroy that which you were aiming to create.
Have a good Easter if I don't return before!
April ... what struck me as I wrote out the planetary positions was that Jupiter is stationary in gate 11 line 2, all month ... he's currently slowing to station retrograde on the 11th. Gate 11 is that of peace and harmony (also ideas) and contains the astrological position of the Galactic Centre at line 5.
Huang chooses the name 'Advance' for this 11th hexagram and line two is noted as the host, quite unusual within hexagrams (it's also a yang line at a yin position) ... he says "Advancing with watchful attention and stratagems is the true message of this line".
And Chetan chooses these words "Being Independent: Peacefulness is protected through your alertness. Tolerance, resolution and vision are required to maintain peace and foster your creative ideas."
I also see a number of activations to gate 25 by various planets; Chiron, Vesta, Freya, Mercury and Venus this month so we are really being reminded to tune into our innocence - our inner knowing. On 28th Chiron shifts to 17 so there will be a fresh feel for where to focus our attention with his healing energy ... 17 is about following and opinions, I'll look at this gate more next month as 17 will then be the focus for Chiron for a year or two, along with another pass of 25 toward the end of this year (see February's post for lots of date details regarding Chiron's movements).
Saturn is another very stationary body this month spending the entire time in 54 line 6 as he stations to retrograde on the 30th. This is of course a gate that has received a great deal of attention in the last few years with Pluto only recently vacating it.
54.6 "Being Politically Correct: Watchful of your purpose and sincerity. For Saturn at this position - Being honest in your motives you stick to respectfully advantageous relationships." Chetan.
The Nodes shift later this month as well coinciding with Pluto stationing retrograde on 25th. So our new nodal energies will be moving from our upgrades (where we have Saturn of course already reviewing Pluto's work) toward gradual progress (hang out the bunting ... although with the retrograde action going on for the next few months it may be harder work that you might hope).
And one final noticing ... Isis which is sometimes thought of as the missing piece will be in 7 line 4 all month and this really couldn't be more appropriate in the times we find ourselves (within the UK in particular) ... Chetan has this for its position, and bear in mind we are talking about the missing piece ... Disengaging: Leadership in the highest integrity knows when and how to withdraw. You are either realistic or not about how your leadership can serve others best.
Lunar activity - New Moon in 51.1 on 5th at 08:53 GMT and Full Moon in 50.3 on 19th (Good Friday) at 11:14 GMT.
Easter Day is 21st this year, almost as late as it can be (apparently that is the 25th), and sits right on top of notable birthdays ... The Queen's and my own 😊, we are both 5/1s, Her Majesty a Projector me a Generator!
So the weeklies ...
2nd - 4th the last few days of the Sun in 21 (control, biting through) and the Earth in 48 (the Well, details), Mercury is now moving through 22 and Grace as he slowly picks up speed.
5th - 10th sees the Sun move to 51, the shock and awe gate, and the Earth will be in 57, the most intuitive of the gates, so buckle up would be my advice as we have the New Moon in that shocking 51 line 1;
Chetan says "Arousing: Growing through disruptions of all kinds. Dramatic change can be alarming until you accept all the transformations it brings."
I don't make this up you know ... just wish Parliament was tuned in ... Venus, all things relationships will be having doubts for this period and Mars is still in the gate of the NOW potentially being very forthright. And don't forget whilst we have the Sun in 51 we have the channel 25-51 in play with Chiron, this is the awakening energy, the channel of the Shaman. Powerful if you can harness it.
11th - 16th the Sun settles into 42, all things steadily growing and the Earth is opposite in 32 which is the energy of persevering so this looks like a good week to move ahead. Jupiter does retrograde here but has been slowing for quite some time and Uranus makes the move to 27 on 14th, the gate of nurturing ... I think this will herald some time where we all need to look to our own needs, what nourishes us, and those that don't pause to work it out may well be given rude awakenings ... Uranus is the shock and awe planet.
42.1 (Sun on 11th) Accomplishing: Great deeds are possible. You align with an inner confidence and certainty that grows in all areas of life. Chetan.
17th - 21st with the Sun in 3, difficulty at the beginning, and the Earth in 50, values. Mercury will be conjunct Chiron this week so perhaps some messages for our innocence may be at play in the early part and then Venus cosies up to Chiron for the second half of the week ... a chance for healing relationships perhaps. Now Mars makes it to gate 35, the gate of adventure, his position on the most notable day of the year, 21st 😂, might well chime nicely with Venus and Chiron's positions ... Chetan has this for 35 line 3
Combining: Sharing experience with others. Evolution comes when you fully experience life in the company and trust of others.
And don't forget this is Easter Day ... sounds very appropriate to me!
And of course the Full Moon, 19th, nearly missed that ... 50 line 3
"The Superior person is always recognised in due time. If you do not have the influence you would like, consider whether you may be blocked by some assertion of your ego." BBW
22nd - 27th having shared you can now nurture with the Sun in 27 and conjunct of course with Uranus and the Earth in 28, the gate of persistence/struggle. This feels like a tricky week to be honest. Mercury is perhaps going to be somewhat opinionated and then want control meanwhile Venus emerges from innocence and becomes opinionated and Mars moves into the gate of the Queen wanting to direct all the resources.
I think the Earth's position on 22nd gives the best advice this week ... 28 line 1 "Great care is required when one undertakes great projects. Lay your foundations with caution and proceed step by step." BBW
Pluto retrogrades this week as well in that inner truth gate, 61.3 on 25th just as the Nodes shift to their new gates 53/54 (that means the South Node will be conjunct Saturn - some lessons on where you've been, or rather given it's 54, who you've been with!).
28th and into early May we have the Sun rationalising everything whilst the Earth is adept at really recognising what's on offer. Saturn stations to retrograde on the last day of the month setting us up for reviewing the whole of April during May ... oh what deep joy!
And now for my most favourite bit ... to ask the Runes ... brb!
Soooo we have Thurisaz ... the literal meaning is 'giants'. It looks like a thorn on a rose stem and can herald thorny issues and giants to be encountered. But, it is also about the tools required and is associated with Thor's hammer Mjolner and shows us that we have the power to face whatever is coming our way. The caution here can be to be very cognisant of how one wields one's power, to do so with balance and compassion. This personal power is that contained in Kundalini and as such is a reminder of its volatility. Interestingly it is also spoken of in terms of Thor of his being that fine line between a vague consciousness and the slamming realisation of what must happen next ... which echoes somewhat my choice of label for this month, and very much the position of Jupiter ... holding your space but with innocence and mindfulness lest events overtake you ... or ... you over-react and destroy that which you were aiming to create.
Have a good Easter if I don't return before!
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