Full Moon - Mindful Caution Required

We have the full moon at 17:47 BST tomorrow.  I've just checked online and it will actually be in line 6 of gate 3, not line 5; there's always a difficulty when you read a printed ephemeris as they show you day by day and discerning the actual line involved isn't always obvious!

So here we have a selection of I Ching explanations for the position the Earth and Moon will hold at that moment, which is of course a Taurian gate with the Sun just into Scorpio.

BBW - Negative emotions tempt you to abandon your efforts.  It is the greatest misfortune to do so.  Hold fast to truth and persevere.

HB - Pouring out the best of yourself in a concerted effort to forge ahead, you find no response, and your energy drains away.  You're over-extended, too narrowly focused on a single direction, and forgetting what a well-rooted relationship feels like.

Huang - The message of this gua is that since one has already reached the uppermost position, one should not feel sorry about being unable to go forward or turn back.  One must realise that when things reach an extreme they will alternate to the opposite.  For this reason, the I Ching always calls for restraint before going too far.

Chetan - Renewing: In all new endeavours remember to keep re-aligning with your Vision.  There is always a potential to get caught up in fear and despair, where orderliness is forgotten.

Clearly a call to step back and view the bigger picture I would say.

Having written the above I asked for a Rune for the Full Moon - I drew Raidho

This is interesting in the context of the I Ching warnings above which counsel a need to review. Raidho can represent a new journey, crossing the threshold into a new way, breaking ties with outdated circumstances.


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