EDIT - We also have Mars together with Neptune in 63 - the gate of doubts and critical perception ...
There are 64 divisions in the Human Design system, and only 12 in the astrological wheel. As such HD often gives a more focused message as planets pass by, or rather, there are more possible aspects involved so to speak, 64, rather than 12. I think this is one of the strengths of the system.
However, the gate numbers aren't arranged around the wheel in numerical order and as such it can be quite easy to miss when various planets are actually in close alignment with one another . . . for example, for this upcoming New Moon, which will be in 5.4 (so close to the beginning of the next gate), we can easily see that Baccus and Vulcan are in the same position simply by checking what is sitting in gate 5. However, the next gate in the progression is 26, astrologically speaking, pretty much conjunct with 5, but it doesn't logically appear that way! Not unless you know the order of course ... so today I had a look to see what is round about the players in what I think will be a powerful set of energies for this last new moon of the calendar year.
The position of the Sun and Moon will be 5.4, we also have Baccus in 5.5 and Vulcan in 5.3, so here we might consider these two extra planets may be in the mix. Vulcan is about tools of consciousness (we have Pluto in 54 and Neptune in 63) so we have an interesting combination here around chances to step up and breakthrough/clarify spiritual practices perhaps. This gate is centred around the Great Attractor so it has a strong element of the crossroads about it (see previous posts). Baccus was the party dude of course but also about rituals and potential madness, the GA has that aspect too.
The following gate is 26 (the trickster) so anything located here is also likely to be a factor and we have Circe, she's an enchantress, among other attributes and often associated with where we are in touch with reality, or not ... think you can see a theme arising here! A saving grace maybe Eunomia, she's a Greek law and good order Goddess!
With human design we also see where the channels are being activated too - 5 links to 15, this gate is about humility/humanity/modesty ... it will be empty at this time ... mmm.
Opposite the Sun's position (astrologically) will be ...
The Earth in 35.4 and alongside will be Eros, he can be about our lost creative capacity but also the erotic and this is the gate of adventure of course!
The next gate along, and therefore a near astrological conjuction is 45 where we have Asbolus - he is a seer, but also associated with unfortunate outcomes for helping others - the message here is be wary who you support, tune into your knowing - inner truth is key in this particular gate position as well.
The channel partner for 35 is 36 and here we have Chiron in his last few months of this gate for another 50 years offering healing to our hidden inner lights. There's a few with him, notably Hygiea (wound cleansing perhaps) and Urania known for pattern-seeing, astrology, poetry and for helping us see the wood for the trees.
Mercury turns direct just before the New Moon, so hopefully communications will begin to become clearer.
Here is the Rune that stepped forward to be shared for the New Moon ...

Eihwaz - this translates as Yew and is traditionally associated with death - however, this can be seen more generally as the end of something that heralds a transformation. Dying to old ways to allow the new a space to grow. It's associated with Kundalini awakenings, moments of clarity that something has to change although the way ahead may not be obvious, but the pressure to move forward is felt.
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