Valentine's Day 14th, don't hold your breath!

I thought it would be a bit of fun to see how many of the Gods and Goddesses of love/sex/marriage/lust have planets named for them and then look to see which might be the most beneficial to make your Valentine offerings to given their current locations in the Human Design wheel!

I came up with Eros (12 Standstill) Aphrodite (55 Abundance), Cupido (18 Correction), Venus (38 The Fighter), Hathor (36 Crisis Resolution), Frigga (13 The Listener), Freya (63 Doubts), Anteros (35 Advancing) and Ishtar (49 Revolution) so a mix across the pantheons and both Gods and Goddesses.

Most well-known in astrology of course is Venus but her position isn't exactly warm and cuddly at present ... she will still be in the gate of the fighter, 38.3, being tenacious and clear-sighted, useful perhaps if you have a pack of suitors ... maybe!

Two Norse Goddesses offer a little more hope with Frigga known as the All-Mother and associated with love and marriage, in the gate of the listener, 13, line 6.  Here she is expounding the energy of universal fellowship.  Freya is conjunct with the dreamy and ethereal Neptune in 63.  In line 5 she is feeling benevolent but this is the gate of doubts don't forget!

Probably the best bet is Aphrodite who is in gate 55, Abundance - sounds a bit more promising doesn't it, in line 5 though she's about counselling clarity in those who you choose as companions, so singing from a similar song sheet as Venus... not exactly swinging from the chandeliers stuff eh.

Gates 59 and 6 form the channel of procreation (and war).  59 has just Isis-TP which is sometimes associated with perfectionism.  And, nothing in gate 6, so nothing for 59 to be drawn to.

I have to say, all in all, there aren't any startling energies at play save for the Earth being in gate 29, she is there with Selena though (White Moon) "The White Moon, or Selena – shows the path of Light, of Truth, as well as the path to Supreme ... It gives a person grace and the sense of supreme significance." (  This gate is often thought of as the big YES ... but it doesn't appear there will be much on offer to jump at!  29 is paired with 46 and forms one of three tantric channels ... but don't hold your breath, all we have here is Hekate and she's all about crossroads!

So now I'm really trawling ... and have looked at what is in the Taurian gates, Taurus being all things comfy and lovable, and ruled by Venus of course.  Finally a group of possibles ... in gate 8, Seeking Union, mmm the name sounds more promising for Valentines :-) here we have ... a veritable orgy!

Bienor, Echeclus, Lacheisis, Narcissus, Sedna and Admetos ... now don't get too excited ... Narcissus does have a love connection of course and linked in with Echo but he is rather enamoured of himself and in line 3 where he will be the message is 'there is danger in uniting with the wrong elements ...' mmm bit of a theme coming here isn't there!

Last thought would be gate 10, this is all about love, loving the self, and here there is another group including Persephone, she had a very 'interesting' love life but not of the Valentine hearts most of us would choose and she's there with Eurydike ... my oh my ... bet that's a cheerful combination, at least when Freya descended into the dark worlds she returned with the Brisling Necklace!

When I asked which Rune would care to step forward ... Hagalaz jumped out LOL!!!!  Oh deary me, perhaps this is a day to stay in bed after all 😏

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