Briefly ... all but Uranus, Venus and Mars will be retrograde this month ... Mercury joins that party on 8th July stationing in 31.3 see previous post.
The Moon - will be New on 2nd - 19:18 GMT and in solar eclipse 19:24 - 39 line 2
Chetan has a specific piece for the Moon at this position "You naturally provoke life, so you are constantly called on to meet situations face to face" 39 is the gate of provocation and hardship (this is the way of personal growth ... or not).
Full Moon 21:40 GMT and lunar eclipse 21:32 16th - 61.4
Chetan "Holding Higher Truth: Following your clarity to find resonant truth in others" And don't forget this is the same gate as Pluto currently, he's been reminding us of our soul mission in this energy since January, are you listening yet?
Jupiter starts July by moving into 5 where he'll stay till mid September bringing his expansive energy to all things rhythm and timing ... several months of supporting us to find our personal rhythm. This is a sacral gate; with proper timing you can engage your life force appropriately.
Saturn remains conjunct with the south node, still reviewing your past upgrades, Uranus stays with the theme of nurturing, and watch out if you haven't got that message yet ... he's been there since mid April and he's not renowned for patience! Neptune is still vague and drifting through the gate of Grace, 22, still calling you out to see through false appearances both of the self, and others. As we've seen the last of 12 energy (sigh of relief for many) we won't be activating that highly emotional channel this coming month.
However ..., there's always a however eh ... the Sun/Earth will be conjunct with the nodes for the second week so there will be an impetus for progress as the sun teams up with the North Node but this is the week Mercury turns retrograde so be very clear with your communications and don't push forward without being really sure. For the rest of the month the Sun will move through the Mercury retrograde throat gates I've spoken of so it could make for a very vocal second half to the month and there will be another Mercury/Sun conjunction on 21st in 56.1 ...
"The wanderer who is meddlesome and egotistical quickly loses his resting place. The current situation becomes dangerous if you do not return to neutrality and detachment." BBW
Mars opens the month with these throat energies and Venus picks them up from 21st, so all in all every aspect of our being will be taken through them, work, how we communicate with the world, our relationships.
Havamal and Odin's words stanza 29 (Olive Bray translation)
"Too many unstable words are spoken
by him who ne'er holds his peace;
the hasty tongue sings its own mishap
if it be not bridled in."
2nd - 7th Sun provoking and Earth in opposition, up for the fight, a solar eclipse and New Moon, Venus feeling extreme and Mars regaling stories. Quite a week!
8th - 12th Sun/Earth conjunct with North and South nodes, Mercury stationing for Retrograde 31.3. The Sun and NN may be pressing you for progress but Mercury's position cautions you to avoid rushing forward until the time is right.
13th - 18th Sun starts it's way through the Mercury throat gates, here we are in 62, precision over the details, the Earth will be conjunct Pluto this week seeking inner truth. We have the Full Moon on 16th and Mercury reviewing stories. Mars will be easing back and into the gate of retreat which should make the following week feel less pressured when Venus meets with the North Node.
19th - 24th Another Sun conjunction with Mercury in that story-telling gate, 56. The Earth will be there to contain any excesses as Venus picks up the pattern of making some progress as she now conjuncts with the North Node in 53 ... remember this progressive energy is about ensuring your roots are firmly secured before reaching up and onward and here perhaps this is around relationships this week.
25th - 30th The Sun is leading the way, hopefully with carefully chosen words, the Earth has realised all the necessary bases have been covered and is available to dream about the future and Mercury is able to articulate these ideals with some precision. Meantime Mars moved into another leadership gate, 7, the previous week so will be ready to align with the Sun's lead ... this feels like the best week we've had for a long time given you've done the work and been wise with your communications.
At last a positive!
And the Rune for the month ... Thurisaz, Thor's rune, it is the giants, can be the difficulties but it's also about finding and knowing you have the tools to overcome any challenges.
And when you use those tools appropriately you can slide that thorn up the stave and you have Wunjo, the rune of joy and a sense of achievement!
I will probably be back for a Full Moon post as I'm now away for a while on holiday :-)