I noticed something interesting a day or two back ... and it's all about Mercury's travels over the next couple of months.
We have now entered the 'shadow' period of his retrograde cycle - that's to say he is still moving forward but we are now in a period of energies that he will return to during his (apparent) backwards motion before he stations to turn direct again when of course he will then go back over the same ground before finally emerging into new positions during August. So there are a number of positions that will be visited three times so to speak, on the way in (going forwards), during the retrograde (in reverse) and then again on the way out (forwards again). Nothing new or startling here, this is the same for any planetary retrograde motion.
What piqued my interest is the location of the series of Human Design gates involved, they are all positions on the throat centre.
This centre is about communication as the name implies, it is about our voice, how we express ourselves, but it's also about the ability to manifest and is very similar to Vishuddha chakra within the yogic tradition.
In the diagram the throat centre is the square box - notice how many direct connections with other centres it has ... the Ajna (thinking mind) above, the sense of identity and the will centres just below and the top of both the spleen (left - fears/now) and emotions (right) and of course it also dog-legs down to the Sacral (not shown here). It has a direct link to 6 of the 8 other centres.
As in Astrology we track the movement of the planets around a mandala, the only difference being this circuit is divided into 64 gates (I Ching hexagrams) rather than 12 sun signs. There is a logic to the order, which is not numerical, to do with the lines within each hexagram, which I won't go into here.
The sequence of gates involved takes us through 62, 56, 31 (R), 56, 62 (D), 56, 31, and then out of the retrograde shadows and on into 33, also another throat gate. So from 18th June through till 20th August we have the Planet of communication in the centre of Communication - that's a whole lot of talking, and potentially manifesting action.
I sense all forms of communication are going to come to the fore during this period and we may well find ourselves revisiting what has been said as we proceed through this sequence. So, perhaps this is a time to be particularly mindful of how we express ourselves.
For those that are interested ... 62 is about the details and the precise expression of them, bringing clarity to complex information ... 56 is about travelling and the stories we bring back, it's about the appreciation of the need to be aware of the scenario in which you find yourself; speak wisely according to your audience. Finally there is 31, and this is where Mercury stations to turn retrograde, in line 3, so could be the focus of the retrograde ...
"Do not rush forward or allow yourself to be run over. Allow your quiet heart to lead you." BBW
Reading several other translations the key to this position would seem to be to resist the desire to chase after that which draws you, wait until both parties are ready for 'mutual influence' (the name Huang gives this 31st hexagram).
31 is fundamentally about the importance of language, the power of language and the need for precise language in leadership ... 31 is a gate of democratic leadership in Human Design.
Once we've made it back out of the retrograde we have a few days in 33 ... this is another story-telling gate, like that of 56, but here we have the succinct retelling of authentic life experience.
I have 31, 56 and 62! Perhaps that's why I noticed and felt the need to 'communicate' this to you!
If you are curious about what gates you may have defined switch to the desktop version of this blog to find how to contact me for a reading.

Odin speaks at length in the Havamal about ways to live, about being a good host, and a good guest, about the balance of giving and taking ... 56 is very much that aspect, being a wise guest when travelling abroad, being mindful. Also about how much one says!
Here perhaps the focus may be on our word being our bond.
I'm away for early July, off to follow some Rune stones and Viking history on the Isle of Man ... I shall post July's transits in the next day or two, probably in a briefer form than usual given I've covered Mercury's forthcoming travels extensively above!
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