New Moon and Lunar Eclipse 16 July

We are certainly being played with by the planets right now ... or is that just me?!

For tomorrow's line up we have multiple conjunctions and oppositions and well, just about everything and the kitchen sink thrown in for good measure.

From July's round up ...

"Full Moon 21:40 GMT and lunar eclipse 21:32 16th - 61.4

Chetan "Holding Higher Truth: Following your clarity to find resonant truth in others" 

And don't forget this is the same gate as Pluto currently, he's been reminding us of our soul mission in this energy since January, are you listening yet?"

Well, are you listening?  I'm having trouble hearing my soul calling at the moment I'm just very aware of how uncomfortable it feels in just about every aspect of my life, and I know I'm not alone.

So, tomorrow we have a full moon, a lunar eclipse, Mercury deeply into retrograde, Venus conjunct the North Node, Saturn Conjunct the South Node, so that means Saturn and Venus are in opposition ... the Moon and Earth's position is conjunct with Pluto and opposing the Sun.

Mars and Mercury are both in story-telling energies which I mentioned in the Mercury special post last month.

Lots of focus on our inner truth here, and of course Uranus is still sitting in the gate of nurturing.

For tomorrow I think the Sun's position gives some timely advice ...

"The temptation to act harshly wells up.   Do not give in to your inferiors.  By yielding the matter to the Sage you meet with good fortune."  BBW

I'm most intrigued to see which Rune feels ready to step forward for this event ...and it's ...

Perthro, the Rune with no known literal meaning.  It's about chance, about the unfolding of what will be that we can't 'know' or control.  It can be inspiration striking, unexpected meetings and connections, it can be openings into new ways of understanding. 

It's message is to stay open and alert; the unexpected may transpire regardless of what you thought you knew or had planned!

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