Welcome to October!
I type this sitting in my tiny motor-home, in a monsoon, with the rain hammering down on the tin roof, and a river running where the road was just an hour ago!
Some of you might know I was working with the rune Laguz and rain-dancing a week or two back; the water reserves in my home region are the lowest for 30 years and rivers we once enjoyed walks along are now dried up channels.
So, the monsoon ... we have it at home too I believe ... seems the Gods have listened, but perhaps they could now moderate the flow somewhat please 🙏!
October - we start the month with the Sun still in 18 ... this energy is all about rejuvenating what has been neglected, recognising where there is decay, where things have been spoiled and through effort creating improvement - it's often associated with broken familial relationships. In Human Design it's part of the channel 18-58 where repeated practice (correction) leads to the joy of mastery. It hasn't escaped my notice that my FB woes started as the Sun moved into the 'decaying' energy!
From 3rd October we have Pluto moving direct in 54 before shifting into 61 on the 25th. I don't have my large ephemeris with me to check but I think this is the final pass of 54 before Pluto moves back and forth in 61 for the next year or two - I'll confirm that later. By the end of the year I think we are done with the constant working over of the 54 energy, the upgrade, how we use one another for advancement.
Saturn heads to 54 again on 27th October and then via 11 to 61 on 26th December where he will join Pluto, and if some astrologers are to be believed the world as we know it will come to an end ... I'm really not into all these apocalyptic pronouncements but it is interesting to note that we've had some fairly major global shifts historically when these planets come together.
From a Human Design perspective this happens in the gate of Inner Truth, or as Huang calls this hexagram, Innermost Sincerity (I really like his phrasing). The energy is all about the principle of sincerity and trustworthiness which the ancient Chinese regarded as the source of all virtues.
King Wen saw that after promoting restraint (the previous hexagram) people became accustomed to restricting their expenses and their behaviour, as a result of setting limits sincerity and trustworthiness followed and even small offerings still brought good fortune; what a wonderful aspect to realise, being moderate and knowing that even small gifts have value, in fact, possibly have greatest value. Bear that in mind over the next few months as Saturn (disciplinarian, mentor, teacher) and Pluto (deep soul missions and breaking free) face one another in this gate.
It's interesting to me that Jupiter will be in 58 the joy of mastery energy as these two planets align in Innermost Sincerity ... like he's rejoicing at the potential for expansion here, and I just noticed that the Sun will be conjunct with Jupiter in 58 too, with the earth holding us steady as a mountain ...
That's December though, back now to what's coming in the next few weeks!
The moon will be full on the 13th at 21:10 GMT in 51.6. 51 is about shock, shaking and taking action. The hexagram is thunder over thunder so that gives you a sense of the energy, think Odin and Thor :-) (Odin will be in a sacral energy, 14, Great Harvest).
This is what Chetan has to say for this position "Regenerating: The phoenix rises from the ashes anew. Shock brings you dramatic shifts from old accords, beliefs and understandings to new ones."
Also note that during this week (from the 9th) the HD channel 25-51, initiation, will be in play for everyone because we have Chiron back for his final pass of 25, innocence.
The moon will be new on 28th at 03:41 in 28.3. 28 is about struggle, great exceeding, extraordinary action.
28.3 "It is a dangerous time and great care is required. Pushing ahead willfully leads to misfortune." BBW
Just as with the Full Moon placement this New Moon highlights a channel in play as the south node position will be 38 giving the 28-38 channel of struggle. All about picking the right cause to fight, a reminder perhaps to look at where we have been fighting and with what echoing Saturn's presence alongside this south node energy since mid-September.
We have another Sabbat this month too, 31st, Samhain or Halloween, I'll cover this though in greater detail later in the month. Suffice to say it will mark the moment that all your review processes that have been in place since Mabon will be completing providing a blueprint for the next cycle.
Mercury will enter the retrograde shadow around the 12th so will be slowing and passing through the energies he will review during the first half of November. This is a good time to check you have all things communications and networking in order!
3rd - 8th - Sun in 48, the well, all about depth and details, Earth in 21, biting through, this is about control and usually about who has all the resources. It might play out as a struggle to control communication as Mercury will be sitting in 28 heralding the energy of the New Moon later this month. The value we place on relationships, what rules we have in place may be an issue with Venus in 50 and Mars moves over the Super Galactic Centre on 6th, that deep draw to soul connection. All in all this week some potent energies to take a long hard look at our relationships, who holds the power, is it fair, could anything do with some overhauling.
9th - 13th Sun in 57 (intuitive knowing) and Earth in 51 (shock) - a week of potential personal reckoning, see Full Moon entry above. We have the channel of initiation but also the channel of enterprise which includes the trickster gate 26 (Jupiter's position all month). Be vigilant, use that intuitive energy the Sun brings as we have Mars in the gate of correction, mentioned above, 18, so the opportunity to have some monumental eye-openers about corruption but the chance also to do something about it. And we've just come through a week of seeing the detail and where the issues may lay.
14th - 19th - Sun in 32, perseverance, Earth in 42 steady increase. This is a good week to steady the ship, Mercury brings the creative yang energy of 1 and Venus the pattern recognition of 44 and Mars that corrective energy still. The channel of enterprise is in play again with Jupiter still in 26 so a continuation from the week before where Mercury held the 44. This channel can get things done, especially in relation to businesses, marketing and selling in general. Personally it might give you the boost to express your personal requirements clearly after the insightful previous weeks.
Chetan 32.1 Sun on 14th "Being Consistent: Lasting results require a constancy in your attitude. (Sun specific) The bright nature to apply your attention to all aspects of a transforming process."
20th - 25th - Sun will be in 50 highlighting social rules and values and the Earth in 3, difficulty at the beginning, the impetus required for pushing through the soil. With insights (Mercury), Creativity (Venus) and Mars bringing depth this could be an excellent week for building on the previous weeks. We definitely have a momentum of energies throughout October and it builds to this week as Pluto (soul missions) moves to 61, Innermost Sincerity. From 24th Mercury is capturing the great harvest energy of 14 and taking it through to the end of the month. Bear in mind though Mercury is now slowing and preparing to retrograde on 1st November.
61.1 "Having Perception: Quietly allowing your psychic attunement. You have the means to probe deeply into some of the inner workings of life." Chetan
26th - 30th - Sun in 28 struggle, and Earth in 27 nourishment, and will be conjunct Uranus this week. That of course means that the Sun will be in opposition so here watch out for all things nurturing (and potential shocks there of, or struggle therein). Mercury and Venus are conjunct too so that's a relationship communications theme around 14, that great harvesting energy and Mars is bringing intuition. Jupiter moves to 11, the gate of peace, harmony and ideas on 28th and don't forget the New Moon as well - a busy week.
Runic half-months - September 28 - October 13 Gebo (giving, receiving, contracts and bond-making) and October 13 - 28 Wunjo (joy at the completion of a task) ... mmm that's interesting timing 😉
And so to my beautiful runes ...
Berkana! This is the birch, birch goddess, all things birthing and new beginnings. But also the process of midwifery, bringing the new into being and ceding the old. An interesting one for this set of transits. Birch is associated with the wise-woman, she would carry birch bark for it's ability to be used for fire-lighting even when damp, in fact I believe some would carry a small smouldering piece with them from place to place.
It feels appropriate as we set about sifting out what we want to take forward and plant anew as we gestate and review all that we have achieved so far.
I shall be back later in the month.
This is where I post the upcoming monthly planetary Human Design transits including a sprinkling of Rune wisdom too! Why Bubbling Brook? Well this is the meaning of my Norse name Kelda. This blog is currently a work in progress and at some point will transfer to a new website, so please watch this space. If you are viewing this on a mobile please take the time to also view the desktop version (see the bottom of the page) so you can read more information about readings etc.
FB Notifications Update
I wrote this as part of my October transits report but it made the post too long so I'm separating this out into its own post.
A brief mention of Facebook. For the last year I have been posting a link to this blog on my personal FB timeline, or wall, or whatever the terminology is. I learned early on I needed to ensure the post was public so that any of you could share it on your own accounts for others to read should you choose to.
All was well, I've probably posted in this manner 30 odd times. Then suddenly last week FB have decided that I'm in breach of the Community Rules on Spam and pulled every single post I made that included my link to my own blog, and that includes pulling posts from other people's accounts that quoted my link as well. AND this includes me being able to send the link by PM as well ... so much for it being private messaging ... every time they've sent a notification in the last few days I've requested a review ... thus far nothing appears to have happened.
How I can be spamming when I'm posting a link to my own blog from my own FB page which people only see if they are following me, and then it's up to them if they click to have a look, I can't imagine. I'm sure there is a greater message here, but I've yet to find it.
I am not prepared to post my blog content on FB, for lots of reasons, not least of which it just isn't suited to blogging and inserting pictures where I want them and including various permanent information about my reference sources and my chart reading etc. And besides, I've been using blogger for the last decade, I know it, I like it and all my other blogs are here. So there!
So, I will continue to post on FB that I have posted on my blog, but I will not be able to include a clickable link ... I will endeavour to type it out so you know where to come though ... perhaps you could bookmark this www.bubbling-brook.blogspot.com and then you can find me with a click once you know I've posted via FB.
A brief mention of Facebook. For the last year I have been posting a link to this blog on my personal FB timeline, or wall, or whatever the terminology is. I learned early on I needed to ensure the post was public so that any of you could share it on your own accounts for others to read should you choose to.
All was well, I've probably posted in this manner 30 odd times. Then suddenly last week FB have decided that I'm in breach of the Community Rules on Spam and pulled every single post I made that included my link to my own blog, and that includes pulling posts from other people's accounts that quoted my link as well. AND this includes me being able to send the link by PM as well ... so much for it being private messaging ... every time they've sent a notification in the last few days I've requested a review ... thus far nothing appears to have happened.
How I can be spamming when I'm posting a link to my own blog from my own FB page which people only see if they are following me, and then it's up to them if they click to have a look, I can't imagine. I'm sure there is a greater message here, but I've yet to find it.
I am not prepared to post my blog content on FB, for lots of reasons, not least of which it just isn't suited to blogging and inserting pictures where I want them and including various permanent information about my reference sources and my chart reading etc. And besides, I've been using blogger for the last decade, I know it, I like it and all my other blogs are here. So there!
So, I will continue to post on FB that I have posted on my blog, but I will not be able to include a clickable link ... I will endeavour to type it out so you know where to come though ... perhaps you could bookmark this www.bubbling-brook.blogspot.com and then you can find me with a click once you know I've posted via FB.
New Moon
This month has just flown by ... I will hopefully publish October's transits over the weekend but for now a reminder about the New Moon which happens tomorrow evening ...
The New Moon this month will be at 18:29 on 28th in 18.2 the gate of correcting that which is corrupt - it's often linked to family/ancestral patterns. A chance to set your intention to root out that which no longer serves. Try to capture Mercury's position bringing perseverance and Venus' intuition, a chance to really look deeply into where you need to work next.
18.2 "... you need to develop personal boundaries, neither too rigid nor too porous, that allow you to respond without reacting. You need to recapture some independence of soul." Hilary Barrett
The sun moved into 18 today ... I can feel that energy shift; take note of any urges you may feel to make corrections and remember on Monday we entered the final phase of the Pagan wheel, a time of review.
The rune to step forward was Dagaz, again, not so surprising in this Mabon week; watch for the duality.
The New Moon this month will be at 18:29 on 28th in 18.2 the gate of correcting that which is corrupt - it's often linked to family/ancestral patterns. A chance to set your intention to root out that which no longer serves. Try to capture Mercury's position bringing perseverance and Venus' intuition, a chance to really look deeply into where you need to work next.
18.2 "... you need to develop personal boundaries, neither too rigid nor too porous, that allow you to respond without reacting. You need to recapture some independence of soul." Hilary Barrett
The sun moved into 18 today ... I can feel that energy shift; take note of any urges you may feel to make corrections and remember on Monday we entered the final phase of the Pagan wheel, a time of review.
The rune to step forward was Dagaz, again, not so surprising in this Mabon week; watch for the duality.
Equinox - Mabon
So, we made it through to the 22nd! Lots of big shifts over the last day or two.
We now have the sun shining from gate 46, serendipity/growing upward. This is all about embodiment, about balanced growth and moving forward, but as ever, it needs to come from humility and grounded in truth. Paired with the Earth holding us in 25, innocence, where we now have Chiron too back for his last pass in this energy - he stays here till the end of February next year.
Jupiter has shifted back into the gate of the Trickster, 26, and Neptune back to the head gate 63, doubts/critical perception - a time to re-frame your views in an ever-changing world. This is a review time with both planets in retrograde and harks back to what was going on in January. Take some time out to notice what's coming up for you, it may well relate to decisions taken then, events that happened at the turn of this year from the last.
And tomorrow morning at 07:52 GMT we have the autumn equinox, Mabon sabbat, the second harvest festival and the beginning of our review period which seems very apt with the shifts mentioned above.
I didn't mention Saturn for the September round up; just so much going on to report! He has stayed within 38, the Fighter, giving us the chance to review what we are fighting for. He has just turned direct again so will be making his way through the last couple of lines till the shift to 54 late in October before heading to 61 which will set us up for the show down in late December into January when Pluto and Saturn meet in that gate of Inner Truth.
The Sun will trigger the Super Galactic Centre on Tuesday, the third time this month that point has been visited, one more to go in early October when Mars will be there. The strong pull to soul-connections, soul desires - bearing in mind Saturn's focus it really is a time for finding out what is really important to us and letting all the rest fall away so we can focus on moving toward our soul yearning.
The Rune to step forward for this time is Dagaz. Penultimate rune of the alphabet meaning the light of day, literally 24 hours, a day, but it also represents lasting new insights, often gained as a result of a heroic journey. In fact in the heroes journey this is the point where we have returned to our 'normal' lives and integrate the new found knowledge; see the duality of expanded understanding amidst the requirements of day to day living.
That seems very appropriate as we come through what has been an extraordinary series of planetary manoeuvres, with more to come!
This does feel like a pause point where we can reassess and that is very much the feel of Mabon of course, reflecting the balanced nature of day and night before we move into the second half of the solar cycle as our days shorten to Solstice - so Dagaz is another perfect representation of that, the balance of day and night, you can see the shape is symmetrical and balanced.
Take stock and don't forget to check in with how well you are nurturing and caring for yourself, Uranus is still working that 27 energy, if you don't heed any warning signs your body/soul is sending you, you'd better watch out a sudden awakening may be heading your way!
Mabon blessings to you all
We now have the sun shining from gate 46, serendipity/growing upward. This is all about embodiment, about balanced growth and moving forward, but as ever, it needs to come from humility and grounded in truth. Paired with the Earth holding us in 25, innocence, where we now have Chiron too back for his last pass in this energy - he stays here till the end of February next year.
Jupiter has shifted back into the gate of the Trickster, 26, and Neptune back to the head gate 63, doubts/critical perception - a time to re-frame your views in an ever-changing world. This is a review time with both planets in retrograde and harks back to what was going on in January. Take some time out to notice what's coming up for you, it may well relate to decisions taken then, events that happened at the turn of this year from the last.
And tomorrow morning at 07:52 GMT we have the autumn equinox, Mabon sabbat, the second harvest festival and the beginning of our review period which seems very apt with the shifts mentioned above.
I didn't mention Saturn for the September round up; just so much going on to report! He has stayed within 38, the Fighter, giving us the chance to review what we are fighting for. He has just turned direct again so will be making his way through the last couple of lines till the shift to 54 late in October before heading to 61 which will set us up for the show down in late December into January when Pluto and Saturn meet in that gate of Inner Truth.
The Sun will trigger the Super Galactic Centre on Tuesday, the third time this month that point has been visited, one more to go in early October when Mars will be there. The strong pull to soul-connections, soul desires - bearing in mind Saturn's focus it really is a time for finding out what is really important to us and letting all the rest fall away so we can focus on moving toward our soul yearning.
The Rune to step forward for this time is Dagaz. Penultimate rune of the alphabet meaning the light of day, literally 24 hours, a day, but it also represents lasting new insights, often gained as a result of a heroic journey. In fact in the heroes journey this is the point where we have returned to our 'normal' lives and integrate the new found knowledge; see the duality of expanded understanding amidst the requirements of day to day living.
That seems very appropriate as we come through what has been an extraordinary series of planetary manoeuvres, with more to come!
This does feel like a pause point where we can reassess and that is very much the feel of Mabon of course, reflecting the balanced nature of day and night before we move into the second half of the solar cycle as our days shorten to Solstice - so Dagaz is another perfect representation of that, the balance of day and night, you can see the shape is symmetrical and balanced.
Take stock and don't forget to check in with how well you are nurturing and caring for yourself, Uranus is still working that 27 energy, if you don't heed any warning signs your body/soul is sending you, you'd better watch out a sudden awakening may be heading your way!
Mabon blessings to you all
Chiron on the move ...
Hello again
There is so much going on with planetary movements this month I missed noticing that Chiron is shifting gates too. In fact the 22nd will be a BIG day for changes.
As already mentioned in my September transits (see below) the 22nd already sees Jupiter move to 26, travelling direct. Neptune still retrograde and moving to 63 (we just had a taster of that energy again with the Earth there for the last 6 days, today it moved to 22 and grace) and 22nd is the day before we have our Autumn Equinox, Mabon, of course.
So Chiron will be moving retrograde into 25 again on 22nd. This is the gate of innocence, he did a long run there last year and earlier this year - if you scroll through my posts I've done a couple focusing on Chiron's activities in the last year or two. He will turn direct in December and leave this gate for another 50 or so years at the end of February next year. He hasn't done yet with his current position of 17, next year he'll be dancing between 17 and 21 when we all have the chance of look at healing control issues!
I recently attended a Medieval Oak Fayre which was great fun, and very informative too, spent some time listening to a Rune reader with 50 years experience in all things Norse, he's also a Viking weaponry expert, very fascinating.
The highlight though was getting to meet and hold a Raven ... for those that know their Norse mythology this was a really 'wow' moment for me, they are much bigger than you think :-)
ADDITION - for a few days we have the channel of abstract thinking available as the Sun moves through 47 with Mars in 64 - a chance to enjoy wrestling with, or being distracted by, the esoteric and the abstract 😇 - if you have other things you must do today and tomorrow best to step away from the rabbit hole!
A rune for today - Berkana - the Birch, and Birch Goddess, rebirth, midwivery and the myriad ways in which we are intimately connected, healing.
There is so much going on with planetary movements this month I missed noticing that Chiron is shifting gates too. In fact the 22nd will be a BIG day for changes.
As already mentioned in my September transits (see below) the 22nd already sees Jupiter move to 26, travelling direct. Neptune still retrograde and moving to 63 (we just had a taster of that energy again with the Earth there for the last 6 days, today it moved to 22 and grace) and 22nd is the day before we have our Autumn Equinox, Mabon, of course.
So Chiron will be moving retrograde into 25 again on 22nd. This is the gate of innocence, he did a long run there last year and earlier this year - if you scroll through my posts I've done a couple focusing on Chiron's activities in the last year or two. He will turn direct in December and leave this gate for another 50 or so years at the end of February next year. He hasn't done yet with his current position of 17, next year he'll be dancing between 17 and 21 when we all have the chance of look at healing control issues!

The highlight though was getting to meet and hold a Raven ... for those that know their Norse mythology this was a really 'wow' moment for me, they are much bigger than you think :-)
ADDITION - for a few days we have the channel of abstract thinking available as the Sun moves through 47 with Mars in 64 - a chance to enjoy wrestling with, or being distracted by, the esoteric and the abstract 😇 - if you have other things you must do today and tomorrow best to step away from the rabbit hole!
A rune for today - Berkana - the Birch, and Birch Goddess, rebirth, midwivery and the myriad ways in which we are intimately connected, healing.
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